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in title
vagrant lovers
2 year ago
Three people named Jean (Jean Luc Godard, Jean Paul Belmondo, and Jean Seberg) were all in the same movie. It was a really good movie. The movie showed that even if a woman has short hair, she can still be beautiful. After watching the movie, one of my friends wanted to cut their hair short, but they were afraid of looking like someone else, so they decided not to. Hey Gigi Youth...
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embarcadero technologies
2 year ago
The company is offering to sell you the community version of their software when you download it from their website. If you tell them that you are not a company, but an individual software enthusiast, they will send you an email saying "let's sell it to you".
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nicolas isit-mirin
2 year ago
Every once in a while, the radio stops working.
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timur's elephants
3 year ago
(see the ball of hits)

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adena avery
337 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 09 30