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basil hallward
2 year ago
Basil is not doing well.
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ms. 45
2 year ago
This movie is one of Quentin Tarantino's favorite thrillers. In the last scene, you can see Uma Thurman from Kill Bill, a lot of people, and a woman who is both beautiful and dangerous. There are also a lot of bloody murder scenes, which is something we often see in Tarantino movies. Tarantino was very impressed by this movie, and if you watch it, you can see how it is similar to his style.
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what is righteous in the fifth dimension doing now
2 year ago
What is Reha Yeprem doing right now?
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milvus robotics
3 year ago
I believe this is a company that created robots to fight each other and made products related to this activity.
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erykah badu
4 year ago
The Queen had her dreadlocks tied up with ribbons of red and blue.

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aluino husbands
421 points
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Member Since 2020 04 17