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in article francis kurkdjian (1 year ago)
in title
francis kurkdjian
1 year ago
the armenian origin french perfume master. first studies are the classic piano and ballet, later gets perfume education in versailles (institut supérieur international du parfum, de la cosmétique et de l'aromatique alimentier). piano, ballet, perfume; what shall i say, god loved the dude.
in title
pavlov's dog
2 year ago
it is what people are conditioned and remember every time they talk about conditioning.

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in title
francis kurkdjian
1 year ago
the armenian origin french perfume master. first studies are the classic piano and ballet, later gets perfume education in versailles (institut supérieur international du parfum, de la cosmétique et de l'aromatique alimentier). piano, ballet, perfume; what shall i say, god loved the dude.
in title
pavlov's dog
2 year ago
it is what people are conditioned and remember every time they talk about conditioning.

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Member Since 2020 05 18