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in article lenovo ideapad 320 (1 year ago)
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jesse pinkman
2 year ago
Benjamin Linus is an example of someone who has done bad things but is not necessarily a bad person. This suggests that morality is not always black and white, and that even people who have done bad things can still have good qualities. Leyla and Mecnun's Yavuz also became a part of this idea, showing that even people who have done wrong can still be accepted.
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4 year ago
(see appendectomy)
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lenovo ideapad 320
1 year ago
it can be used as a torture device. you can recommend it to the ones you don't like. it's been slow, goddamn neurotic since the day i got it. never get infected.
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filipino babysitter
2 year ago
Men who insult working mothers often don't spend much time with their children, only seeing them for a few minutes each night. These men don't understand that being a father is not just about being masculine, it's a natural part of life. Our working sisters understand this and stand up for working mothers.

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in title
lenovo ideapad 320
1 year ago
it can be used as a torture device. you can recommend it to the ones you don't like. it's been slow, goddamn neurotic since the day i got it. never get infected.

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cupcake_Queen c
302 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 29