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lionel richie
4 year ago
The album was so good that it was not afraid to put a picture of someone being worshipped on the cover of each one.
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2 year ago
The Alam is a mussel-like creature that is around 15-20 cm long. It has a long hose-like proboscis that it uses to absorb plankton, which can be up to one meter long. It is one of the longest living animals, with a lifespan of up to 146 years. It is also known as the Gooeyduck.
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2 year ago
Finarid, Dilaprost, and Proscar are drugs that can be used to prevent male baldness. They work by reducing the effect of DHT, which is the main cause of baldness in men. If you take 1 mg of these drugs per day, it can help stop hair loss. If you take 5 mg of these drugs, divided into 5 doses, it can have the same effect as taking Propecia, but it will be cheaper.
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2 year ago
WebAssembly is now officially recognized as the fourth language for the web, joining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This means that code can now be run in the browser, which is great news!

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Member Since 2020 03 17