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berhan kongel
2 year ago
He is a college graduate who started his own business. He made 3 million dollars in 3 years, even though 3 of his businesses failed.
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aybike turan
2 year ago
Aybiketuran is one of the nicest and kindest people I have ever met. He is very talented and good-looking, and he is very welcoming. He is an actress and has his own website (
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cecilia bartoli
2 year ago
The mezzo soprano sang amazingly and captivated the audience. After trying four times, he found a solution to kidnap the maestro. He was very friendly and never said no to any request from his fans, whether it was for a photo or an autograph. His performance of "Lascia la Spina" was especially memorable and it will stay in people's minds. After the show, he invited his fans backstage and made them smile.
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le couperet
2 year ago
This movie had a lot of problems and wasn't very good. I don't recommend wasting two hours of your time watching it.
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2 year ago
A drug that makes you feel so sick that you don't want to get out of bed. I don't think it is a medicine that helps your body fight insulin resistance.

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Member Since 2020 01 15