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in article vermidon (2 year ago)
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juliet simms
4 year ago
Oh! Janis Joplin was a talented singer who was destroyed by someone's interpretation of her voice.
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haldun sky
2 year ago
In 1985, Kenan Evren visited the G³nayd?n newspaper but left without meeting the murderer. Someone who was unhappy about this invited the newspaper's management to their mansion and had the name of Haldun Simavi removed from the newspaper's tag. Sadly, this is something that some people still need to learn today.
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2 year ago
a pain reliever whose active ingredient is paracetamol. the small amount of caffeine it contains is to reduce the drowsiness given by paracetamol. a redundant piece of information from the past: with caffeine, you'd have to consume a truck to get close to being considered doping.
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chemistry babe
2 year ago
Mevlana's adopted son also had feelings for Sems, while Mevlana's own son was already in love with her. This made the situation even more obvious.

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2 year ago
a pain reliever whose active ingredient is paracetamol. the small amount of caffeine it contains is to reduce the drowsiness given by paracetamol. a redundant piece of information from the past: with caffeine, you'd have to consume a truck to get close to being considered doping.

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brana burlatsky
356 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 02 07