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in article redepra (1 year ago)
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1 year ago
a drug. i bought it for the first time last night. i slept like an elephant for 15 hours, now i woke up. the appetite issue had the opposite effect on me. i ate much less than i normally eat at breakfast. edit after 10 hours: i'm still not hungry, this is not normal either
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globus hysteric
2 year ago
I experience a lot of pain and soreness in my throat when I'm feeling down or anxious. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this and I have to just wait it out until the pain goes away. I have thought of some extreme solutions, like cutting my throat and stitching it back up, but I know that won't help in the long run.
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apollo creed
2 year ago
If you want to look at Duke, don't look at Paulie. Anyone who wants to use a hair straightener for chest hair should look at Mickey.

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in title
1 year ago
a drug. i bought it for the first time last night. i slept like an elephant for 15 hours, now i woke up. the appetite issue had the opposite effect on me. i ate much less than i normally eat at breakfast. edit after 10 hours: i'm still not hungry, this is not normal either

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sunil cabell
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Member Since 2020 03 10