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in article the best language to learn (1 year ago)
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Kim Taehyung
1 year ago
Did you catch Kim Taehyung's drama appearance? He's got some serious acting chops!
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Jordan 4
1 year ago
The combination of blue and red on the Jordan 4 embodies a classic sporty aesthetic.
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chloe stafler
1 year ago
Isn't she so cute, especially when she's singing t: the person I came across on youtube who mostly sings french songs
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mobile strike
1 year ago
It is a game that constantly appears in most games, does not close before at least 5 seconds, and tries to play a part of the game in most of its advertisements, and therefore, it is cursed every time it is seen. Of course, those 1-minute plays are not enjoyable, but when something like download it for the continuation comes out, it also manages to make you swear twice.
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1 year ago
empty space on the stage where the props are stored and then lowered to the stage..
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come eye to eye
1 year ago
one of the simplest and most beautiful things that can happen... you look at someone you have no knowledge of, you wander around, you want to look again, a few seconds longer than it should be, but... pregnant with tons of things. what kind of movement is it that catches you, your memory gets stuck, hangs, you even say you don't even need it, that's the case..
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1 year ago
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construction site
1 year ago
think the two best examples of the 20th century belong to turgut warner. (see: state of supply) (see: to nothingness)
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fear and loathing in las vegas
1 year ago
In Capitol cinemas, after the man at the box office stubbornly warned, "Look, my brother, no one has watched this movie until the end, if you leave halfway, I will not refund the ticket money", it is the movie that we watch and watch it with more appetite, saying "Give me your brother, give me the ticket". Christina Ricci's portrayal of girls drawing portraits of Barbra Streisand is mind-blowing. offf allam...
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big bear constellation
1 year ago
An average person spends 15-20 years thinking "what does this bear look like".. however, the constellation has 10-15 more stars besides the well-known 7 stars.. after combining all of them, you can say well it's a possibility.. If I don't shake it, now the head of the coffee pot is the bear's head, its neck, and a small part of its torso..
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swimming at night
1 year ago
like floating in space
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made in heaven
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
The document given to someone to indicate that he has done his duty well when leaving the place of work, clean work paper.
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1 year ago
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gethsemane garden
1 year ago
Jesus, accompanied by his followers, arrived at the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed. After finishing his prayer, he said to his followers, "Wake up, the time has come. I am being handed over to the sinners. Let's go, the one who betrayed me is here." Judas, who had betrayed Jesus, had promised to identify him to the soldiers by saying, "The one I kiss is Jesus." Jesus then asked Judas, who had come to kiss him, "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" The soldiers then took Jesus away.
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1 year ago
Greek philosophy, which holds that the highest moral goal is happiness and personal well-being, is literally translated as "analysis".
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1 year ago
This fucking drama is like a life lesson. While it can make you laugh with laughter, it can leave you in embarrassment. For example, I am terribly ashamed of the way I was 15 years ago. While laughing at others, you can suddenly find yourself ashamed for yourself. What is even more shocking is that this man in another country, in another culture, but he talks about very universal things. It also describes a very possible life. It's a pretty hopeless forties. The most brutally realistic show I've ever watched.
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ivan marovic
1 year ago
(see otpor)
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yelena isinbayeva
1 year ago
In the interview he gave to TRT Spor, he expressed his passion by saying, "I want another gold. God told me not to leave." He was very passionate in the interview. He was confused as to why the interviewer asked a seemingly meaningless question about whether he was still listening to Tarkan when there were so many other topics to discuss.
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6 February 2023 Turkey, Gaziantep Earthquake
1 year ago
There has been an incredible explosion and fire in Maraş.
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mi gna
1 year ago
It entered the Spotify Turkey list at the 23rd place. I've been listening to Armenian pop for years, today I'm stuck on the spotify turkey list, when it comes to this song, I thought the list was over and it was time for mixed albums. When I looked and saw it on the turkey list, I had a hard time understanding it. I think people liked it because they found the beats and sound close to them. It is arabesque themed. The words are in Armenian and Serbian. The name of the song means "don't go".
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What the rejected man should do
1 year ago
Very straightforward.
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men in black international
1 year ago
trailer dropped
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amelia earhart
1 year ago
A brave female aviator, who has the courage to cross the Atlantic with only a compass, must have a heart of steel.
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6 February 2023 Turkey, Gaziantep Earthquake
1 year ago
A request for international aid was issued, and it is anticipated that Israel will be the first nation to respond, given its proximity and reputation for organization in the area.
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nero d'avola
1 year ago
I could not fully adapt to the wine vocabulary, but I can say that it is the type of grape that I bought at the airport in Rome and tasted a wonderful product that accompanied me in yesterday's defeat in the referendum. From now on, I look for their wines in duty free shops and markets.
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la prima cosa bella
1 year ago
The movie is about a 40 year period of time. It doesn't exaggerate the events or emotions, but instead shows them realistically. When watching it, you may not know whether to laugh or cry. It also shows how a mother will do anything to make sure her children are happy.
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tijana boskovic
1 year ago
She was picked as the best player of the 2018 World Women's Volleyball Championship. She earned it!
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1 year ago
This is a drug that I take that does not make me sleepy or numb. I take 10 milligrams of it, like a wish from a genie.
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1 year ago
When proofreading, people can use the sea to help them compare details and make sure everything is correct. It can be a big help when used with Google Books and rare books, so people don't have to spend a lot of time double-checking.
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guns germs and steel
1 year ago
This book has some extra sections about places like Polynesia, Indonesia, and Kuntinesia that the writer is particularly interested in. These sections might be confusing if the reader isn't familiar with the area, like Kuntinesia which is south of Java Island. If the reader doesn't know about these places, they should skip those chapters before finishing the book.
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1 year ago
A wonderful thing that protects the computer from all kinds of malicious software, but it can't protect itself. When I first got it, I looked online for a code to unlock it, found one, entered it, and it worked. I'm still using that code to get updates. It's too bad.
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1 year ago
He helped me feel better from the pain in my neck and back that I got from playing sports in just 30 minutes.
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1 year ago
The government has put a policy in place that makes it so the manufacturer can't send a medicine to Turkey that helps with breast cancer. This medicine usually costs 25 TL, but now people who need it won't be able to get it. There is an alternative medicine, but it can cause side effects in some patients. It's a shame that people who need this medicine won't be able to get it.
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1 year ago
The phrase "I feel like I've known you for forty years" is often used to express a strong connection with someone, even if you don't actually know them. This feeling is often associated with sadness, as if something is missing when you don't have a close relationship with someone. This is a concept explored by Sigmund Freud, the famous psychologist.
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1 year ago
The algorithm is designed to identify patterns in the data. The algorithm is designed to look for similarities or repeated patterns in the data.
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la chartreuse de parme
1 year ago
The story is about a nobleman from the time of Napoleon in Italy. It is not as exciting as other stories. It is complicated and moves quickly. It is interesting that Fabricio's aunt admires him.
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1 year ago
I had a feeling of something stuck in my throat yesterday, no matter how much I coughed and spat, it wouldn't go away. I looked in the mirror and saw something stuck there. I tried to take it out with my hand, but it went back inside. I also tried to squeeze my tonsils like a pimple and something came out when I said "fly". I looked it up in the dictionary and found out that it can also be found in places you can't see, which might be why I had bad breath. You can't tell if you have this smell or not.
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green frontier
1 year ago
Netflix's inaugural Colombian original production is set in the Amazon rainforest and features a thrilling mix of crime, mystery, and the supernatural. It's ideal for those who are looking for something unique in terms of atmosphere, like me!
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Jean Michel Jarre
1 year ago
The man who pioneered modern electronic music is still remembered for the legendary concert he gave in China.
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a love song for bobby long
1 year ago
Literally a drama taken from life, this delightful movie made us watch unique landscapes from New Orleans, Alabama. Oh, if only I could fish in that river too!
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1 year ago
It is a non-testing technique in which the individual reads a book or watches a movie about the problem they are experiencing, in order to create awareness and ultimately eliminate or realize the issue. This is known as Story Therapy if done with a book, or Cinematherapy if done with a movie.
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1 year ago
The boundless, indefinite principle of Anaximander, which never ages and thus never dies, is ambiguous due to his belief that "if I define it, I will limit it, and if I limit it, it cannot be the original source (arkhe)".
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1 year ago
Troponin I is an essential tool for emergency medicine physicians when diagnosing a myocardial infarction (MI). It is more specific to the heart than troponin T, which can increase in renal failure and other non-cardiac causes. However, troponin I is not expected to increase in non-cardiac events.
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1 year ago
This betting site, which contains a plethora of canine-related terms in its dictionary, is highly intriguing. Despite its title suggesting it is a top-tier bureau, it is actually one of the many unaccredited offices operating in Turkey that have not been, and will not be, assessed by any external body. Even on Twitter, where the best and worst tipsters are advertised, not a single word is spoken about it; one must do their own research to determine its worth.
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yoga with yogi
1 year ago
i have been suffering from arthritis and my doctor suggested me yoga, yoga helped me most and did wonders to my muscle pain that any medicines could'nt do.
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the best language to learn
1 year ago
french it is
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kahve dunyasi
6 year ago
just grabbed my monday morning cup of coffee. a good kick start it was!

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the best language to learn
1 year ago
french it is
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kahve dunyasi
6 year ago
just grabbed my monday morning cup of coffee. a good kick start it was!
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yoga with yogi
1 year ago
i have been suffering from arthritis and my doctor suggested me yoga, yoga helped me most and did wonders to my muscle pain that any medicines could'nt do.
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rival de loop
1 year ago
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Roger Federer
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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construction site
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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my dinner with andre
1 year ago
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best fifa game ever
1 year ago
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dao de jing
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
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yoga with yogi
6 year ago
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