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in article harem soiree (1 year ago)
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jan axin
2 year ago
Our brother Nihat gets uncomfortable when we call him by his real name, so we call him "Jan Floyd" instead. He owns a cafe called Portakal in Diyarbakir. We sometimes see him at festivals, bars, the office, or when we're walking around. We love him so much, even though he doesn't know it!
in title
be 1.80 meters tall
2 year ago
I have always wanted to be taller than I am, which is 1.80 meters. Unfortunately, I am not tall enough to be considered tall by today's standards, and I am not short enough to be considered short by the standards of the previous generation. It is a sad situation that I am stuck in the middle and not able to please anyone.
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harem soiree
1 year ago
it is a harem-woman-passion movie that has a different taste when watched again years later and brings us to the eye that the moon will eventually take its revenge on the sun. the missing elements in the movie are that the relationship between the other women in the harem and safiye is very foggy.
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command and conquer generals 2
2 year ago
EA has disappointed fans by canceling the second game in the series, which was supposed to be a follow-up to the first game, Tiberium, which was a first-person shooter. They have also closed down the Victory Games, which was founded after Westwood, another EA game. It's a real letdown for fans who were looking forward to playing the new game.

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in title
harem soiree
1 year ago
it is a harem-woman-passion movie that has a different taste when watched again years later and brings us to the eye that the moon will eventually take its revenge on the sun. the missing elements in the movie are that the relationship between the other women in the harem and safiye is very foggy.

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Member Since 2020 01 19