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marc cucurell to
3 year ago
An 18-year-old soccer player has shown great improvement in his career with the right training techniques. When he was 18, he had a skill level of 68. Now, at 24 years old, his skill level has increased to 93.
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islander of necdet
2 year ago
A revolutionary, who was devoted to socialism, had their name mentioned by one of the worst enemies of workers, left and leftists in the country. This enemy used the revolutionary's last letter to make their bad constitution seem legitimate. It is very sad that a prime minister who criticizes those who fight for social rights by calling them "communist head" would use the name of a communist in their speech. The prime minister is full of contradictions.
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my universities
2 year ago
I read this book in one sitting while I was on a long road trip from Florida to Ohio. It reminded me of my childhood, my grandmother, and my mother who I miss. I highlighted these lines: "Minimum work, maximum pleasure...all utopias, like all unrealized things, were extremely attractive!" "People are looking for forgetfulness and consolation, not knowledge." "If life is an uninterrupted battle for happiness in this world, isn't compassion and love an obstacle to victory in this war?"
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anavarza honey
2 year ago
For the honey in this jar, thousands of bees flew millions of kilometers to make it. Don't waste it because it was made with a lot of effort. The honey from Adana-Kozan is so special that it can make you cry.
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2 year ago
A drug is being used to help stop a person from having a second attack of a brain disorder called hepatic encephalopathy. Even if the person is taking a medicine called lactulose, the drug is still being used. The drug is taken once a day at a dose of 1200 mg.
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american movie quotes
2 year ago
Hey Sheriff, I think you should take a look at this.

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gertruda l
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Member Since 2020 09 09