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justin timberlake
4 year ago
Our friends are trying to act like monkeys by dancing and making loud noises.
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amoebic dysentery
4 year ago
Amoeba is a type of germ that is found in warm and humid places, like tropical and subtropical regions, where the temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius. It can affect people of any age. It is usually spread through food and drinks, and can also be spread by flies and cockroaches. Amoeba cysts can be killed by chlorination, and they die at high temperatures.
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emil michel ciran
2 year ago
The book of Decay was released with a tasty translation by Haldun. The author of the book said that the most powerful people come from those who are oppressed but have not been killed.

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mahmoud  pasquino
386 points
3 entries
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Member Since 2020 02 07