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in article acnemix gel (1 year ago)
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3 year ago
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best personal development book ever
2 year ago
(see: twelve steps in ten steps)
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acnemix gel
1 year ago
i've been using it for 2 weeks, it really stopped acne formation. the only problem is that when i wake up in the morning lately, i find my face incredibly dry and red. even a stain started to form under the lips due to dryness. however, i try to keep my face moist during the day. i wonder if i should stop using it now. i do not want to go to the doctor again, because i was not satisfied at all. i would be very grateful if someone with knowledge could help. message me.
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very thin girl
3 year ago
People like hair that is long and high up on the head.

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acnemix gel
1 year ago
i've been using it for 2 weeks, it really stopped acne formation. the only problem is that when i wake up in the morning lately, i find my face incredibly dry and red. even a stain started to form under the lips due to dryness. however, i try to keep my face moist during the day. i wonder if i should stop using it now. i do not want to go to the doctor again, because i was not satisfied at all. i would be very grateful if someone with knowledge could help. message me.

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hayward emanuel
381 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 10