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live patisserie
2 year ago
At this patisserie, you can find unique services like water borek and hot salep that you can't find anywhere else. The walls of the patisserie are decorated with pictures of the pastries they have made. This month, the patisserie was featured on BBC, so it is getting a lot of attention.
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bee sting
4 year ago
After a bee stings something, it will fly away and die soon after. Its intestines are connected to the sting, so when it dies, the sting stays in whatever it stung.
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logic marriage vs love marriage
2 year ago
Are you both getting married?
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bernardino ramazzini
2 year ago
He is the person who first thought of the idea of occupational health. He was the first to discover that certain diseases can be linked to the type of job someone does.

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Member Since 2020 02 27