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in article corneal abrasion (2 year ago)
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corneal abrasion
2 year ago
this is what happened to me as of yesterday. at first, i thought i had eyelashes in my eye, but when it didn't go away and my vision decreased, i went to the doctor. i'm using 3 drops for now but i'm in terrible pain. tears are flowing from my eyes all the time. it's a pain as if you've got glass in your eyes and every time you blink, those pieces of glass are stinging in your eyes. on the 2nd day, my pain is still at the highest level.
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3 year ago
In the past, it was a drug, but now it has become one of the things that takes money away from Turkish football.

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corneal abrasion
2 year ago
this is what happened to me as of yesterday. at first, i thought i had eyelashes in my eye, but when it didn't go away and my vision decreased, i went to the doctor. i'm using 3 drops for now but i'm in terrible pain. tears are flowing from my eyes all the time. it's a pain as if you've got glass in your eyes and every time you blink, those pieces of glass are stinging in your eyes. on the 2nd day, my pain is still at the highest level.
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iburamin zero
3 year ago
hillery rodgers
343 points
2 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 27