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in article social justice warrior (2 year ago)
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sarang hae
3 year ago
i love you korean (see the last waltz) (see oldboy)
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1 year ago
the name of plankton's *computer wife in the spongebob squarepants comic series. she warns the plankton every time, but the little green creature never listens to her, so the result is always frustration.
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social justice warrior
2 year ago
(see sensibility)

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in title
social justice warrior
2 year ago
(see sensibility)
in title
1 year ago
the name of plankton's *computer wife in the spongebob squarepants comic series. she warns the plankton every time, but the little green creature never listens to her, so the result is always frustration.

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vladymyr rrett
334 points
3 entries
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Member Since 2020 05 15