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in article bakuman (1 year ago)
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love is colder than death
2 year ago
In 1994, a dark movie was released. It was one of the last examples of a type of filmmaking that was popular in the first half of the 90s and was known for its depressing themes. The movie made false references to the life of Bergen Umur Turagay, and featured Al Pacino in a role. Bennu Gerede was lucky that she did not continue her acting career after this movie.
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1 year ago
a quality manga series from the writer and illustrator of death note. the the translations were made by the shahrud team until the 22nd episode, but a young team named ceteris paribus took over the flag a short time ago. you can learn about it here.

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in title
1 year ago
a quality manga series from the writer and illustrator of death note. the the translations were made by the shahrud team until the 22nd episode, but a young team named ceteris paribus took over the flag a short time ago. you can learn about it here.

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iggie michelson
368 points
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Member Since 2020 03 27