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omnia vincit amor
2 year ago
(see et nos cedamus amori) (see: vergilius) (see: virgil).
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hz. crucifixion of jesus
3 year ago
Crucifixion was a common form of execution used by the Romans at the time of Jesus. It was not something that was specifically done to Jesus, as many other people were also crucified. It was a very painful and slow way to die, as it could take up to three days for the person to pass away.
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2 year ago
The Wolf of Angband was a prisoner of a powerful spirit that was created by the evil Morgoth. He was tortured with hellfire, but even with all his strength and fear, he could not escape the magical words of Luthien, which caused him to forget his terrible fate and fall into a deep sleep.
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mamma li turchi
2 year ago
Sabri Saroglu's possible transfer to Fiorentina will be remembered by all Fiorentina fans forever.
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nvidia geforce gt 840m
2 year ago
My video card can play the game Assassin's Creed Unity very well, but not at the highest settings.

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coastbible be
347 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 03 07