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fritz neumark
3 year ago
In 1986, Professor Fritz Neumark was interviewed. This was a few years before he passed away. Unfortunately, the interview did not have Turkish subtitles. Professor Neumark talked about his sudden trip to Washington, his memories of old Istanbul, and his experiences living in Turkey.
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murder suspect
2 year ago
It is important to not mention the name of someone who has not been found guilty of a crime in the news, but some media outlets still use phrases like "the suspected murderer who killed such and such" or "the suspected murderer who committed such and such murder" which implies that the person is guilty even though they have not been proven so in court.
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lionel richie
4 year ago
Aul Nea?yt is a person who is very good at singing with a lot of words in their mouth (and their mouth is shaped in a way that helps them do this).
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imri al-kays
2 year ago
The great Arab poet was one of the most famous poets of all time.

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Member Since 2020 03 07