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2 year ago
The most skilled and respected elven gentleman.
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horsin around
2 year ago
Netflix suggested a movie to me called "Hidden Treasures" but it turns out it doesn't exist. I can only find a 1-minute trailer. I'm wondering why I can't find anything else to watch on Netflix. The people who wrote the 7 entries before me were funny, so I hope they keep it up.
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david mountain
2 year ago
This person spends their money wisely and is a very rational religious person. He does not bend to the pressures of society and stands up for what he believes in.
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best black tea brand
2 year ago
I bought some organic black tea from the factory in Rize. I also added some drinker-sprout to it because I don't consider myself to be very fancy.
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behcet aysan
2 year ago
No one should say that I am perfect, no one can carry the weight of an entire nation on their shoulders. Those who are scared of death, don't they still smoke? Is there anyone who doesn't have any flaws?

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Member Since 2020 06 02