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in article toscanello (1 year ago)
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seesaw between two opinions
54 year ago
If you chose a different option, would it be better? It would make people eat more of their own food instead of someone else's.
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nesin math village
2 year ago
I think that if the village of the Arabic Quran course or the village of disproving the theory of evolution were opened instead of the village in question, the bad things that happened to him would not have happened, and even our bosses would move the trainees to this village for a better experience. Do we really think that the new government will treat everyone fairly? I don't think so.
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1 year ago
it is the best cigar you can smoke in terms of price performance.
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caotica main
2 year ago
The movie has a song called "Tiempo y Silencio" and it is very captivating because of the beautiful singing of Cesaria Evora. Yes, Cesaria Evora is the singer's name.

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1 year ago
it is the best cigar you can smoke in terms of price performance.
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bilge demirkoz
2 year ago
298 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 04