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egirdir mountain commando school
2 year ago
When you first arrive in the bunk bed, you might be scared of the tall bed frame with spikes on it. Don't worry, the people here will help you out and take the spikes away. Then they will put something else in its place, and you can go up the bed without worrying.
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drinking raki
2 year ago
If something bad happens, you drink alcohol to try to forget it. If something good happens, you drink alcohol to celebrate. You drink alcohol so that nothing else happens.
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2 year ago
Before going to bed at night, dissolve one dose of the medicine in a glass of water and drink it. Try to wait until morning to use the bathroom if possible. Usually one dose is enough to treat the issue, but sometimes a second dose may be needed a week later. It is safe to take during pregnancy.
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I got my head going
2 year ago
When Erol Evgin was a child, he said that he had taken what he needed from the world, from his friends, and from his enemies. He said that it was a song that people would remember and be scared of.

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Member Since 2020 03 29