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in article usgs (1 year ago)
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lisa stansfield
4 year ago
He still keeps making music.
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2 year ago
The sky is slowly turning different colors as it sinks into the sea. Soon, the horizon will reach the water. Eftalikus said there was no sky, and the garden of the house was disappearing. In the evening, syphilis goes away. During difficult times, rivers were born from life and went to a dreamland of different shapes. Destruction was all around, even near my neck, and my earlobe was changed. Now, people are focusing on the sky.
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1 year ago
ks. united states geological survey. it is an independent science and technologies research center founded by the congress in 1879. it particularly deals with geological events and conducts research. it works in coordination not only with those in the usa but with all research centers around the world. use of natural resources, problems, environment, all kinds of natural and artificial disasters, etc. is active on such matters.
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2 year ago
There is a creature that is believed to roam the streets in the first ten days of its life. It will ask people questions such as "where do you come from, what is your name". It carries a large comb in its hand and the word "black" must be included in the answers given to the questions it asked. If the answer does not include the word "black", the creature will hit people on the head with its comb and kill them. This creature also wanders around houses, spitting into open jars and peeing. It can also imitate the voices of people's relatives and call them out. If the summoned person wakes up, they can return home, otherwise they will freeze to death.

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1 year ago
ks. united states geological survey. it is an independent science and technologies research center founded by the congress in 1879. it particularly deals with geological events and conducts research. it works in coordination not only with those in the usa but with all research centers around the world. use of natural resources, problems, environment, all kinds of natural and artificial disasters, etc. is active on such matters.

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marilee diesel

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Member Since 2020 03 06