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laser eye surgery
4 year ago
I decided not to get the surgery because all three of the doctors I saw who had the surgery were wearing glasses. We don't know what will happen to those eyes when they get older, so it's not clear if the surgery is a good idea. Basically, why should I get the surgery if it's not clear if it will be beneficial in the long run?
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crystal cat litter
4 year ago
If you have a cat, it is better to use clumping sand instead of crystal sand. Clumping sand does not smell if you clean it regularly, it is not allergenic, and it will not spread your cat's feces around. This means your cat is less likely to get sick and their nose and lungs will not be harmed by the smell of dirty synthetics.
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excipial hydro
2 year ago
I am using a cream that might cause acne on my combination skin, and I hope it will be more helpful in the winter. I am not sure if the urea in the cream is good or bad, so I am hoping someone who knows more can tell me.

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mile blackwell
348 points
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Member Since 2020 05 18