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photo print
2 year ago
Fotoiz is a new website about photography. It is supported by Erdal Kınacı (the editor-in-chief), Aral, Kadir Erten, Oğuz Haksever, and Tayfun Talipoğlu, who are all very passionate about photography.
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jun misugi
2 year ago
During a match, one of the players had a heart attack and everyone was scared that he might not make it. The team that he was playing against, Nankatsu, played the match for him and all of their goals were dedicated to him.
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le couperet
2 year ago
In 2005, a French movie directed by Costa-Gavras and starring Jose Garcia was released. It humorously showed how capitalism has caused people to lose their moral compass and how Europe's welfare system is no longer what it used to be. The movie won the Best Screenplay Award.
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2 year ago
Aksimin therapy is a type of treatment that is said to be successful in treating irritable bowel syndrome.

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320 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 26