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in article vagina dentate (1 year ago)
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bacha base
2 year ago
This is a horrible custom where young boys are forced to dress in female clothing, dance, and be treated like slaves. It takes place in places where Islamic Sharia law is practiced, but the people who do this are hypocrites because they criticize transvestites, yet they do terrible things to their own boys. They think what they are doing is okay, which is the worst part. This is talked about in the book and movie The Kite Runner. The Ensar Foundation is also involved in this issue.
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2 year ago
(see ascii memnu)
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vagina dentate
1 year ago
(see: hakuna matata)
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essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu
2 year ago
Salam alaikum! This person is politically center-right and conservative, but also has a moderate Islamic outlook. He is fresh out of Friday prayers and has a mild AKP (political party) but also has a heavy AKP (political party) with interests.
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2 year ago
If you want to watch a movie, don't waste your time on Romania's "Saban" example from 20 years ago. Instead, look for more valuable examples of cinematic art.

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vagina dentate
1 year ago
(see: hakuna matata)

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nadiye yenge
324 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 04