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in title
cenk ertan
2 year ago
He is a very attractive and kind brother who used to work as a model for a while in Basak Gürsoy. He is also very close friends with Burak Hakkı.
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4 year ago
The food producer of the soul is similar to a male and black version of Izel because of its skin texture. It has a unique and memorable blade-like charm and wears leather suits.
in title
marda tonne tafankardo ixserri hirrime
1 year ago
is an orphaned title. (see: dj attention)
in title
songs that motivate people
3 year ago
This means that this is something that is true or exists.
in title
if he jumped out of the world
2 year ago
Haven't you been carrying me for a long time? Let's both get some relief and put an end to our struggles.

no entries available

in title
marda tonne tafankardo ixserri hirrime
1 year ago
is an orphaned title. (see: dj attention)

no entries available

287 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 16