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dilan creek
2 year ago
People who have never experienced anything in life are really interested in finding out what happens. We have seen a woman who was once innocent and pure, but then she got married and had a child out of wedlock. All we can say is, wow, what a shock!
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sin sin
2 year ago
In the villages, people like to celebrate special occasions like weddings and feasts by playing a game. The game involves the older people of the village sitting around a fire and taking turns throwing punches at each other. Whoever gets punched is disqualified from the game. This game is similar to the Turkish game.
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libra male lion female relationship
3 year ago
A relationship between a Libra man and a Lion woman that is full of love and admiration.
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pickled whore
2 year ago
Prostitutes make a dish with salt, vinegar, and garlic for people who say "Squeaky Cucumber". This dish is called "Running with Salt to the One Who Says Fuck Me Hyyar".
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dark tourist
2 year ago
It's a show or movie that I don't understand because it's so silly. It's like the kind of stuff you would see on Vice.

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ronda sperazzo
360 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2019 12 28