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subaru forester
3 year ago
Congratulations to Subaru for selling the Forester at the price they asked for. Even though all of them are expensive, that is a different issue.
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evelyn claire
2 year ago
A woman has been streaming on Twitch for about a year. I found out about her from a Twitch clip where she was setting up a broadcaster's gazebo. When I looked for the full body she mentioned in the video, I found out her real job. She is a nice person and her streams are enjoyable. People think she would have been a great choice for the role of Yennefer in Netflix, but they made a bad casting decision.
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kristen wiig
2 year ago
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a story about a man who goes on an adventure and wins people's hearts along the way.

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Member Since 2020 02 15