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3 year ago
The movie was a success and the portrayal of the emperor, who may have been made out to be more cruel than he actually was, was done very well. The movie also had a classy side to it that was not too explicit. Not many people know about this movie, so I'm trying to spread the word about it.
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best personal development book ever
2 year ago
To develop yourself personally, you need to be interested in science and the arts. There is no single book that can teach you everything you need to know. Instead, look for books that have artistic value and can help you learn more about science and the arts. If you can't find the right book, ask someone who knows more about the topic.
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kidney inflammation
4 year ago
My brothers: Kidney inflammation can come in many forms, but the one thing they all have in common is that they can cause pain when pregnant.
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digital design
2 year ago
Mehmet Baray's English level and tone of voice in his presentations can be difficult for students to listen to. However, the course is still enjoyable and helpful, especially the labs. I think it's great because I like to sleep in classes and mess around in the labs.

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shandie demerath
341 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 02 11