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safet isovic
2 year ago
Sister Suzan tells a story in the Sarajevo part of the book "Cities and Shadows".
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2 year ago
A tenth generation rookie is someone who is new to something and has just started doing it for the first time.
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euro holmes
2 year ago
When Skyler White does something out of jealousy, the character in the drama remains innocent despite it.
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madam corinne
2 year ago
On May 26, 1914, Atatürk wrote a letter to Madame Corinne in French. At the end of the letter, he included a paragraph written in his own language using Latin letters. The paragraph said that life is a test for people and they must be sure of their answers, even if they can't give the right ones. He also said that the outcome of the test will depend on the overall result.

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Member Since 2020 07 12