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aquarius man sagittarius woman relationship
1 year ago
an involuntary laughter comes when i see the words aquarius and relationship together
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emil michel ciran
2 year ago
Even if God tries his hardest, there are some people who cannot be saved.
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put the lentils in the oven
2 year ago
(see: have a bun in the oven)
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2 year ago
In the irony method used by Socrates, the part that means rebirth is when the person is reminded that they already know the right thing. This is done by reintroducing their own idea back to them.
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ahura mazda
2 year ago
In Zarathustra, God is one, good, and called Ahura Mazda. He is the enemy of evil and is not responsible for any evil. He does not test people. The reason for human existence is to fight against evil. The word Ahura comes from an old Aryan language. This word was used to mean "God" but it changed in the Iranian branch of the Aryan language and became used to mean "master" or "owner".

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aquarius man sagittarius woman relationship
1 year ago
an involuntary laughter comes when i see the words aquarius and relationship together
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leftist girls
2 year ago
356 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 30