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in article unbreakable kimmy schmidt (1 year ago)
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2 year ago
Data61 was one of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) services that was found to be insecure in a study done by three different organizations called UC Berkeley, UNSW Sydney, and UCSI.
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4 year ago
Extrasystoles are extra heartbeats that almost everyone has, but most people don't notice them. Some people have more of these extra heartbeats than others, but they are usually not dangerous. This can be seen on an ECG (heart test).
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unbreakable kimmy schmidt
1 year ago
it is the series in which i found my new motto. --- spoiler --- i'm not really here. i'm not really here. --- spoilers ---
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winning eleven 11
3 year ago
If the rumors are true that Winning Eleven 10 will not be released for the Playstation 3, then the next game in the series could be called "Winning Eleven Eleven" and it could be the first Winning Eleven game to be released for the Playstation 3. This game could be a big deal and shake things up.

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unbreakable kimmy schmidt
1 year ago
it is the series in which i found my new motto. --- spoiler --- i'm not really here. i'm not really here. --- spoilers ---
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ms. 45
2 year ago
sunny lucker
340 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 03 14