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hunky dory
2 year ago
Hunky dory is an expression used to describe a situation that is good or satisfactory. It is often used to describe a situation that is not perfect, but is still acceptable.
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access bars
2 year ago
I really enjoy the ideas and theories I have learned over the years from reading books, such as Freud's psychoanalysis and energy. I am surprised that these ideas are now being presented as something new. If it's that easy, I'm wondering why I even went to university. I want to say hello to everyone who is still interested in science.
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the hu
2 year ago
I recently discovered a band called Yuve Yuve Yu on a video site and I instantly fell in love with them. I'm so excited that I'm literally squeezing the extra testosterone out of my beard and pouring it into a glass! Tuvan throat singing was the original form of intense singing, and I'm really enjoying it.

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Member Since 2020 05 15