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kung fu hustle 2
2 year ago
This is a movie that hasn't started filming yet and the actors haven't been chosen yet, but it will be released sometime in 2010.
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2 year ago
Since he was a puppy, Morgoth has been given live meat to eat, which has had the same effect as if he was given the same type of meat that dogs are not given today.
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3 year ago
Philology is an art that requires patience and careful attention. It involves reading ancient texts and languages in order to gain insight into culture, religion, society, art, and literature. It is not the same as modern linguistics, which is a much broader field of study. To practice philology, one must take the time to read slowly, deeply, and carefully, looking for clues between the lines.

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the string 4
2 year ago
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podcastia adventures
3 year ago
tyrus mannion
398 points
3 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 13