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3 year ago
The doctors at Ankara are very kind and caring. They used to require people to give a clean urine sample before they could take a drug that comes in 8mg and 2mg forms. But now they have removed this requirement and instead start people on a 16mg daily dose of Suboxone and continue to prescribe it after 15 days if they give a clean urine sample.
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shia labeouf
2 year ago
A Jewish person was forced to become an actor by Hollywood producers, and they will become even more famous as a result.
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3 year ago
(see: sansa / @ ibisile), canasta (see card games / @ ibisile)
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macfit trump towers
2 year ago
If you are wise, don't be ashamed to spend your money wisely.

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wilbur kromm
322 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 13