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japanese pussy
2 year ago
If you are a fan of the Japanese Pussycat, you will find that it has a lot of fur, the roads it lives on are small, it tastes sweet like honey, and if you take a picture of it with 31 shots, the view will look like a mosaic.
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ludwig wittgenstein
2 year ago
If someone pushes on a door that is not locked and it opens inwards, but they don't think to pull it open, they will be stuck in the room. This idea was written by Wittgenstein from 1929 until his death in 1951, but was not published until 1977. In 1999, it was published in a book with the translation of Oruc Aruoba from Altikirkbes Publishing House, along with the original German version and side references.
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big ram
2 year ago
Yigit had grown up and decided to go to the Olympia 2018 competition without improving his physical condition. His lats (latissimus dorsi muscles) had grown disproportionately and he was walking with his upper legs. Uncle Ramiz asked why he had done this, and told him to give up on trying to condition his muscles and that he would be the new Olympia champion in two years.

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