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(see: sansa / @ ibisile), canasta
(see card games / @ ibisile)



Eskisehir Afyon is a card game played with 104 cards that is popular in the Kutahya provinces. It is similar to the game 51 in that the goal is to collect numbers. The game involves throwing cards on the floor and making sets or pairs of them. It is also known as the retirement game and continues until someone wins or all the cards have been used.



Eccentric card game is a game that is similar to the game of 51, but with a twist. Instead of just taking the last card thrown on the floor, you can take any card that is on the floor after it is opened. This makes the game take longer to play. It requires skill and strategy to play, and can be played with two or four people. When someone runs out of cards, the collected cards are counted as points and the remaining cards are counted as penalties. It is fun to watch people who are good at counting points and penalties.



Eskisehir is home to a very silly card game. People in Eskisehir don't play it much because it's hard to find someone to play with outside of the city. The game can be over in a few minutes or take up to three hours. After the game, people often get into arguments that last for two or three hours. One time, the game even ended up at the police station!



The women of Eskisehir were so upset with their husbands because they were playing a game so much that they complained to the government about it.



This is a fun card game that is usually played in the areas of Kütahya and Eskisehir. It may not be well known in other places. It is played with two decks of cards and can take a long time to play. It can be difficult to hold all the cards when there are a lot of them. I recommend you give it a try, it's a great game!



(see canasta)
