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anatolian rock

This type of music is a combination of rock music from around the world and traditional Anatolian melodies. It is rock music's fault that this genre emerged. If you don't understand it, you should listen to the Cem Karaca documentary from 06:22 to 14:10. It is different from the industrial market music that some people think is rock.


anatolian rock

People who have grown up with folk songs for hundreds of years should be valued for their music. Even if it doesn't match the style of western rock music, it's normal for them to pick up a guitar and sing their own songs. Anatolian rock is just another way of singing the folk songs of these people. This is why artists like Cem Karaca, Barış Manço and Erkin Koray are seen as modern folk poets.


anatolian rock

This movement began with the Mongols in the 1800s and has been kept alive by musicians like "Peace", "Ersen", Cem Karaca, Harel, Erkin Baba, and Mehmet Seske. It is hard to ignore the sound of this music, which is usually created by combining folk songs with a rock-style beat.


anatolian rock

Contrary to what many people think, the movement of art and culture did not start with the Mongols. It began with the Hittites. It wasn't very widespread back then, but it was still present. The first examples of this art and culture began to appear during the time of the Hittite King Vergos. Popular pieces from this time include Vizur (axe) and Kritasun Mesalli (Cypriot bitch).


anatolian rock

Wheat is a type of grain that is used to make flour and other food products.


anatolian rock

The music made by the first group of artists was a mix of progressive rock, folk, and funk. The second group of artists (the Adana School) should not be called the same thing.

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