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be 17 years old

is to take the exam. What you've learned in your life is when you're the size of a three-year-old, choosing the profession you'll be working in for 50 years. it's a very good age.


be 17 years old

It's the beginning of the era when you think you're everything you're not. If you are lucky, it will reach the final with 18. most of us finished in the mid-30s.


be 17 years old

17 is the age when you know everything but don't have to care about anything.


be 17 years old

A process lasting 365 days and 6 hours.


be 17 years old

I'm so glad you're late. I was stupid back then. am i smart now? relatively.


be 17 years old

sometimes being old enough to put the noose around your neck with the spider-like hands of the executioners... (see: erdal eren)


be 17 years old

According to a research conducted by Can Dundar, the most problematic age group living in Turkey.. the community of people who are trying to shape personality and make life more meaningful..no matter what, it was my most fruitful year if I had to write for myself..as if you are becoming more beautiful 17 say.. your hair looks nicer, weaker..more in love..or more unconscious..the age that I always wanted to come back to because after 18 passed so quickly..hon seven hon seven..

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