B¯r¹n is an ancient word that means both "outside" and "extreme". The Ottoman Outer Palace is named after this word, with the meaning of "outside". It is the opposite of the word "deep". It is used in the creation of patterns such as "hadden b¯r¹n" and "curtain b¯r¹n".
Birun is a Persian word meaning "outside". It was used to refer to the foreign services of palaces and mansions, and the people who worked there were called "Birun people". The Birun people of the palace were divided into six groups: 1) Ulema class (which included the Sultan's teacher, chief physician, chief surgeon, and chief astrologer); 2) Ӕmera class (which included serhmini, barley emini, matbah emini, and mint emini); 3) Ozengi Aghas (which included the chief porter, chief hawker, and chief of artillery); 4) Departments; 5) Axemen; and 6) Various services (which included tailors and craftsmen).
One way of saying the word "play" is to pronounce it like "pley".
The Outer Palace is the name given to the area with a big garden that goes up to the Akagalar Gate, which is where the Sanjak Sheriff is located.
The outside area of the harem room and the Enderun (a special school for the sultan's pages) in the Ottoman Palace were two separate areas.
For the opposite or opposite direction, look at Enderun.
B¯r¹n is an ancient word that means both "outside" and "extreme". The Ottoman Outer Palace is named after this word, with the meaning of "outside". It is the opposite of the word "deep". It is used in the creation of patterns such as "hadden b¯r¹n" and "curtain b¯r¹n".
Birun is a Persian word meaning "outside". It was used to refer to the foreign services of palaces and mansions, and the people who worked there were called "Birun people". The Birun people of the palace were divided into six groups: 1) Ulema class (which included the Sultan's teacher, chief physician, chief surgeon, and chief astrologer); 2) Ӕmera class (which included serhmini, barley emini, matbah emini, and mint emini); 3) Ozengi Aghas (which included the chief porter, chief hawker, and chief of artillery); 4) Departments; 5) Axemen; and 6) Various services (which included tailors and craftsmen).