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carpenter fish

This fish does not belong to any particular type of fish. Its scientific name is "Zeus Faber" and it is commonly known as a "Sunfish" or "Cornfish".


carpenter fish

In Marmaris, this fish was known as "cornfish" and was thought to be inedible because it was a sin. When I was young, my grandfather made me throw away a large one I had kept. Later, we found out how delicious it was and now it is the most popular fish in fish restaurants. Eventually, the "sin" was forgotten and it became a local favorite.


carpenter fish

A type of fish that has spiky skin and tastes like a shield, but is not commonly seen.


carpenter fish

This food has a texture similar to chicken breast. It doesn't taste like chicken, and when you remove the skin, the meat is ready to eat with very few bones.


carpenter fish

This is a type of fish that you can eat the liver of when it is cooked.


carpenter fish

I recently tried a type of fish called Saint Pierre. It is a French fish and it was incredibly delicious.


carpenter fish

You know, the fish that looks like pale potatoes that have been fried in oil.


carpenter fish

If you want to eat this type of fish, you should look for it in the eastern Mediterranean waters, but not in the Marmara region. If you can find it near Iskenderun, it will be very tasty. A good tip is to look for a darker colored fish, as they are usually more mature and flavorful. Most of them are transparent, which means they are usually younger.

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