I was amazed by the way he walked, it was so different from everyone else. His walk added a unique character to his beauty, making him stand out from the rest. He was not only beautiful, but also talented and successful, which made a big impression on me.
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A gorgeous Filipino individual who has truly earned the honor of being named Miss Universe in recent years.
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This is not a real person, it is Jessica Rabbit from the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit. There is no other explanation, she is not a human.
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They may be attractive, but they are also kind and friendly.
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The winner of the Miss Universe 2018 competition was a woman from the Philippines.
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I was amazed by the way he walked, it was so different from everyone else. His walk added a unique character to his beauty, making him stand out from the rest. He was not only beautiful, but also talented and successful, which made a big impression on me.