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come eye to eye

if it's someone you like and has super expressive eyes, the condition that stays in the brain like a photo for days and doesn't go unnoticed...


come eye to eye

one of the simplest and most beautiful things that can happen... you look at someone you have no knowledge of, you wander around, you want to look again, a few seconds longer than it should be, but... pregnant with tons of things. what kind of movement is it that catches you, your memory gets stuck, hangs, you even say you don't even need it, that's the case..


come eye to eye

If it is something that happens to you with someone of the opposite sex, it is an event that clearly indicates the situation. but if the opposite is the case, then your communication skills should come into play.


come eye to eye

writing the first lines of a love..


come eye to eye

If it is a situation with people you don't know, the event that makes you feel strange and makes you want to look away, but if the other person is of the opposite sex and you look at it because it attracts your attention, you will be looked at again and missed again and again...


come eye to eye

"We are at the water's edge of silence today, no matter how much we talk - we are talking - we are afraid when our eyes meet, Hilmi, we are afraid as if the eyes are rivals to each other - isn't it - and we seem to go down a slope from one slope to the other - where? - I don't know" [edip cansever / women playing diapers]


come eye to eye

The poet (or lyricist) didn't say in vain "I don't want to see eye to eye" because those who have something to hide, who feel weaker than the other person, who lie, and sometimes wounded lovers* can't see eye to eye; they can be distinguished from others by stubbornly looking into their eyes...

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