6 Entries
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conte d'ete

you get caught up in your most neurotic.
you try to sleep with the prettiest.
you tease me by ignoring your best.
and when you can't get out of it, you run away with the first excuse.

here is the film that describes and illustrates all this 10 times better than my words.


conte d'ete

the strange ending is the story of a young man who is looking for summer love in a cute holiday resort during the quest-filled days of the summer months. i don't know whether to describe gaspar's staggering between the triangular desires that he always managed to advance with excuses and lies, or the fact that he always fell on all fours as a blessing of his stagnant nature. most of all, the movie reminded me that i miss wandering aimlessly and freely on the beach, on the street, in cafes and restaurants – and that has the effect of being imprisoned during these pandemic days.


conte d'ete

the most annoying part of the movie was that the protagonist put his hand to his mouth in the nightclub and made a philosopher's pose, you know, i forced myself not to judge throughout the movie but you are a total fag gaspard


conte d'ete

it is the third film of the contes des quatre saisons.


conte d'ete

the main boy movie who gets lonely in the crowd.

woven in a web of strange relationships; those who want to make an inference on western society in terms of bilateral relations can watch this movie, where the concepts of love and friendship intertwine.


innocence can be wasted.


conte d'ete

the story of a teenager left alone because of his incompetence and indecisiveness when he could fffm*

the movie is the summer story of the four seasons stories.
that poster is like a summary of the movie.
it progresses day by day and the story that started on 17 july ends on 6 august.
a hard-to-watch movie that doesn't appeal to everyone, didn't appeal to me personally.
