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dallas buyers club

Erdal Besikioglu's part in the movie was not widely known, but it was still a great movie to watch and it never had any awkward pauses or stutters.


dallas buyers club

Good people are not always noticed or appreciated right away.


dallas buyers club

Jared Leto was very unhappy throughout the movie. He had accepted that he was going to die, but he didn't want to die. This made him very sad and it was painful to watch.


dallas buyers club

(see: i like your style)


dallas buyers club

God gave you the wrong gender when he created you.


dallas buyers club

Before I watched Matthew McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club, I thought Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street should have won the Oscar this year. I still think the same thing even after seeing Matthew McConaughey's performance. Go Academy Awards!

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