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detroit become human

When I finished playing the game Last of Us, I was so impressed that I stood up and clapped in front of the TV while the credits were rolling. I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm sure I'll do something special to celebrate when I do. It's the best game I've ever played and the best movie I've ever watched.


detroit become human

My friend, how can the producer of a game that was released 7 months ago and has already had its support cut off give any more support? What kind of support do you expect? Is this one of your top 5 PS4 games?


detroit become human

Kekos from Netflix had their first experience watching an interactive movie last week and they thought it was amazing! They said "Black Mirror Bandersnatch is very hot!" They think it is the best interactive movie they have ever seen and the best of its kind for now.


detroit become human

People who call it an ordinary game are probably talking about video games. The most impressive video game I've played so far is one that is very interactive and fun to play.


detroit become human

I wasn't sure if it was something I had chosen, but the media seemed to be aware of me. I felt stuck and helpless. They were causing destruction and chaos, treating people like animals. I got angry and decided to use the power that God had given us.


detroit become human

The blonde woman on the menu screen asked if they were friends and when he said no, she was very disappointed and he can't forget the look on her face.


detroit become human

The woman said she doesn't regret her actions and is still focused on what she hasn't done yet.

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