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do farts burn

Even though it is possible, using a lighter to start a forest fire is one of the causes of forest fires. If you get behind an elephant that farts, the heat from the fart can ignite the lighter and the fire can spread quickly, turning the forest into ashes.


do farts burn

When we were kids (around 10 years old), we used to play a game where we lit a flame and tried to put it out with our hands. People who don't believe it can try it if they're brave enough.


do farts burn

Yes, methane gas can be burned. You can use it to light up a flame, like a stove, and even cook food like eggs.


do farts burn

(see mini survey)


do farts burn

A discussion thread about nutcrackers is a conversation about nutcrackers. People can post their thoughts, opinions, and questions about nutcrackers and others can respond.


do farts burn

When I was in high school, some of my classmates who had mental illnesses would get under their coats, make a tent around themselves, and then fart as much as they could. I saw it with my own eyes, and then they would light the tent on fire.


do farts burn

We also learned that there are still things that divide us, like our beliefs.


do farts burn

Fireproof means that something is not able to be burned or set on fire. Most of the gas in our intestines is carbon dioxide, which is not flammable. The remaining 2% is methane gas, which is flammable, but it is very difficult to set it on fire.

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