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embarcadero technologies

A technology company bought CodeGear, a division of Borland that makes tools for developers, for $23 million. They changed the name of the existing database tools to DatabaseGear. Their slogan is "Design it. Build it. Run it. (Push as far as you can...)".


embarcadero technologies

A technology company is investing a lot of money in Delphi, a programming language used by a legendary generation of programmers, but they are unable to recreate the success of the past.


embarcadero technologies

A company created a program called Rad Studio that allows people to create programs using two different coding languages, Object Pascal and C++. It is not recommended for people who are not familiar with the terms Delphi and Object Pascal.


embarcadero technologies

The company is offering to sell you the community version of their software when you download it from their website. If you tell them that you are not a company, but an individual software enthusiast, they will send you an email saying "let's sell it to you".


embarcadero technologies

CodeGear was bought by a developer years ago. They now make tools that allow you to create programs that can be used on different types of computers and devices, such as Rad Studio.


embarcadero technologies

A company called Idera has bought another company called Embarcadero. Idera is excited to have Embarcadero join their team.

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