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eustachian dysfunction

I had a disease that was treated with a procedure called balloon tuboplasty about a year ago, and I am now free of it.


eustachian dysfunction

The Eustachian valves are not working correctly, which causes changes in pressure. This can lead to ringing in the ears (tinnitus). There is no cure for this yet, but doing the Valsalva maneuver (holding your nose and blowing gently) and chewing gum once or twice a day can help.


eustachian dysfunction

When you stay in the water for too long or go underwater too often, water can get stuck in your ear and you can hear a crackling sound. I have been experiencing this sound every time I swallow for 25 years.


eustachian dysfunction

(see tinnitus)


eustachian dysfunction

A dysfunction in which you feel like your stomach is always full and won't go away. When you do the Valsalva Maneuver, it opens up your stomach but then it gets blocked again.


eustachian dysfunction

The goal of getting used to hearing your own voice from deep, unknown places is difficult because there is no sure way to do it. It is a mystery how to get used to this strange feeling.


eustachian dysfunction

Unfortunately, there is no one single solution to fix the problem. However, there are some things you can do to help reduce your symptoms. These include exercises like stretching, strengthening, and aerobic activities. Watching videos on YouTube can help you learn how to do these exercises correctly.

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